Once upon a time spring and summer months in Galicia were of a thousand rainbows for us.
This year the sky was absent of clouds, no rain and no rainbows until 30 August.
In Spain there is a saying "hasta el 40 de mayo no te quite el sallo", meaning- It is recommended to stay warm until you are sure that the cold weather has passed.
40th of May is technically 10 of June when there is no threat of morning frost.
In Galicia the 40 de mayo are the storms and days when we would experienced all four seasons throughout any given day. Morning frost, the bright sun, the clouds and the rain, sometimes hail. During the automatic repeat mode we were guaranteed a rainbow in between it all.
This year we were rid of our warm clothes around the calendar dates of passover.
We had no April showers, no May flowers and no rainbows.
Our mornings would begin hot and muggy. Unusual weather patterns were over us, but we were not alone.
All kinds of meteorological phenomena happened world wide. When it happens first hand, seeing the evergreen meadows dry to a dull yellow and brown as the long days seemed eternal from morning to dusk was unnerving. The sky absent of white fluffy clouds. The air hot. The occasional wind was scorching with dust and sand. One heat wave after another. I no longer kept track knowing the rain will not come.
We lived through a drought that seemed of biblical proportions when Galica has always been known for rain, cool weather and a green landscape.
Some remembering when the last drought occurred and others in distress not being accustomed to it all.
My season was not fruitful with crops and very few flowers. Aside from the orchard and several forgiving herbs and vegetables that do not require a lot of maintenance my fields were not producing. The morning dew was suffice for most plants until a late evening light watering quenched its thirst.
I spent most my time indoors when home, unable to tolerate the scorching sun. Also experiencing two episodes of heat exhaustion when having to get things done I was avoiding a third.
I almost threw in the towel but didn't. I adapted to my fall and winter routine when most my days were spent indoors when home. The studio and the drying shed was my saving grace and it was mentally therapeutic when having little to no control- leading to worry and doubts.
Time indoors, usually dark , although cool thanks to my home built of stone with meter thick walls, relieved me from the oppressive heat outside. Despite my comfort I went stir crazy until I remembered the one year when our flowers were late bloomers and I made large paper roses for Candela's bedroom when she returned disappointed from the flower garden and there were no flowers to clip. I decided to create my own rainbows. The rainbows I was accustomed to after passing spring and summer storms.
Rainbows are a sign of hope.
Knitted and crochet pieces and home textiles.
A relatively slow process perfect for filling in long hours during the day.
Rainbows make me happy, hope they make you happy too.
A rainbow is often a sign of hope, the beauty after the storm, a pot of gold and good fortune at the rainbow's end.
For many, a rainbow carries a personal symbolic meaning–representing inclusivity and diversity, an all-embracing image of love and friendship.
The heat eventually moved on to other regions and the rain came heavy at times.
The landscape is green once again and multiple rainbows have appeared in the sky.